Monday, March 13, 2017


My sister once jokingly told me that these jeans made me look like I was attacked by a werewolf. So, I found paring them with shirt worked well.  
This marvelous shirt is was I referred to in my last post, as one of my many finds while at a Value Village sell last weekend. I'm loving the fishnet trend at the moment; however, I am always too damn cold to sport it. So, I came up with this warmer alternative. Wearing a pair of semi-opaque tights underneath the fishnets adds a comfortable layer, while still showing off the cool tights overtop. Anyone who is chronically cold can understand this struggle. But at least it's still a cute alternative!
Throwing my hair up into two fun space funs, along with my favourite long whimsical sweater were the perfect final touches for this ensemble.  

Top: Thrifted
Sweater: Thrifted
Jeans: Thrifted
Shoes: Converse 
Choker: DIY

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