Thursday, March 9, 2017


In an attempt to not fulfill the Canadian (particularly Vancouver) stereotype, I will attempt to not go on and complain about the weather now. However, I have to say, the day after these photos were taking, it started snowing like crazy- yes, in March. But now to the outfit!
I got this awesome sweatshirt this Sunday at Value Village during one of their 50% off sales! I got a bunch of stuff, including an early 2000s Beyonce t-shirt (B'day era- I know, score), and an incredible wold shirt that is usually donned by single white middle aged men who birdwatch on the weekends. I am considering making a haul post to show off what I got! And maybe even how I style the items. 
As soon as I saw this grey sweatshirt I knew I had to get it. It is perfect for that "sporty" look that is popular at the moment, while still being incredibly comfy and warm. Paired with my trusty thrifted mom-jeans, I threw on a toque (surprise surprise), and my Drs that I still have not broken in after 3 years. All-in-all, I love this look, and can't wait to style this sweatshirt some more!

Sweatshirt: Thrifted
Jeans: Thrifted
Toque: Gift
Boots: Dr. Martens
Choker: DIY

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