Monday, March 6, 2017

Out of This World

Vancouver weather has everyone confused at the moment. One day it is mild conditions with sunshine, the next we have a full on snow storm (not an exaggeration!) Because of this, I have been mastering the art of layers. In this look, I have two (yes two) long sleeve shirts off to start, then my long denim button-up as a visible layer, and then lastly my gigantic black sweatshirt. As if this wasn't enough layers, I even have another pair of leggings underneath my velvet ones! Throwing on my trusty black toque and Docs to add just that much more warmth. And, of course, a Diana look would not be complete without a good ol' choker. With this look I was prepared for any weather-surprises Vancouver could throw at me!

Sweatshirt: Thrifted
Denim Button-Up: Thrifted
Velvet Leggings: American Apparel 
Boots: Dr. Martens 
Toque: Dollar Store
Choker: DIY

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