Thursday, February 23, 2017

I'm Hooped

Being in the midst of midterm season, sometimes it can be difficult putting in the willpower to "look good" in the morning. However, I have been finding with simple pieces that are loose and comfortable, with some eye-catching accessories, I am able to put outfits together quickly and get on with my day. This was definitely one of those days. First, we have the loose mom jeans which are always my go-to. With them, a loose black t-shirt tied into a know- a look I recommend for days that you want to be comfortable but not completely lose your shape. Then, adding a fuzzy black sweater will keep me warm in these gross Vancouver-weather days. Now, to make the look a bit more special, I threw on a necklace my mom made (and plans to start selling soon), and a vintage belt from my mother as well! Then threw my hair up into a half bun and threw on some Keds. I was toasty warm, completely comfortable, and still looked half decent!

Jeans: Thrifted
Black T: Thrifted
Black Sweater: Thrifted
Shoes: Keds
Necklace: Hand-made
Belt: Vintage 

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