Friday, November 3, 2017

Got 99 Layers

        It snowed today, and although that made many Vancourites irrationally angry this morning I honestly am excited. To me, any sign that the semester is coming to a close and Christmas is on its way is a good thing. 

        However, although I may love snow and love the holiday season, I hate the cold with every fibre of my being. I am perpetually cold- even during the hot and sweaty summer months, if I just stand in a shadow for too long, I complain that I'm cold. So winter time forces me to experiment with style and layering, in an "adapt of day" sort of way. I sound like I'm exaggerating but I am sad to say I'm not. Layering a collared shirt under a jumper or sweatshirt is a classic, and here I'm testing out turtle necks which I love the look of. I feel like I've been wearing black ankle boots too often recently so I decided to sport my classic Vans, and of course add a statement belt and a beanie.

        Also apologies for using the same wall over and over again. It's a damn good wall and it has been surprisingly difficult to find well lit walls with a basic background. Kind of hoping that maybe in the future I'll be able to get a studio? Or a background with some lights so I can shoot indoors. That definitely would be exciting.  

Sweater: TopShop
Jacket: Thrifted 
Turtle Neck: Thrifted
Jeans: Thrifted
Belt: Thrifted
Sneakers: Vans
Beanie: Dollar Store

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