Saturday, October 21, 2017


        With midterms in full force, when I go to class, comfort is my top priority. This look is 100% inspired by one of my favourite fashion InstagramersNemah Hasan aka @nemahsis. I'm obsessed with her abilities to layer layers and layers of denim, turtle necks, and sweatshirts with wicked heeled boots. Her look is unique and she is definitely a source of inspiration for me. 

         As well, this jacket holds a special place in my heart. Just like several other shirts that I have featured on my blog, this jacket is a hand-me-down from my dad. It's absolutely huge and overwhelms my frame and I absolutely love it. I styled it with a sleek, black ensemble to let it take centre stage. These shiny black boots, made by Pertti Palmroth, are a total blessing this autumn season. Vancouver's rainy season is in full force and these boots are keeping my feet warm and dry, not to mention they're a fashion statement. When I found these boots in a Value Village for $15, I just googled the brand to see what the brand was like because they seemed like very well-made shoes, and they're made in Finland. Lord and behold, I found a pair of almost identical pair of boots on their website, and they are worth 189€ (which is $314.81 Canadian). So no wonder they're such good quality! Reasons why I love thrifting. As for the toque, I got it at Urban Outfitters while I was getting another toque for one of my DIY Halloween costumes... a post is soon to come  .


Denim Jacket: Hand-Me-Down
Turtle Neck: Thrifted
Belt: Thrifted
Jeans: American Eagle (Thrifted)
Boots: Pertti Palmroth (Thrifted)
Toque: Urban Outfitters

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