Friday, April 28, 2017

See it in the Stars

This dress's slit is giving me some serious Kaonashi Angelina Jolie vibes and I'm loving it.

        My mother called this outfit "your dream artistic internship/assistant outfit." Why? I am not completely certain, considering there are fishnets involved- but, I can see what she means if I took those off. Being in a work environment that would allow this kind of outfit would be a lot of fun and give room for experimentation and some daily creativity. Of course, that is not to be expected, but a girl can dream.

        What makes me so happy about this outfit is that I was able to utilize this (literally $2) tight semi-maxi dress and feel comfortable with myself. I often feel that my legs are too short to pull of this length of garment, perhaps because I only ever see tall beautiful women wearing them on Instagram. However, the fishnets and long cardigan make me feel better about it all. 

        The dress itself is fairly low and long sleeved, and I generally do not prefer low cut tops, so throwing this loose t-shirt over it and tying it in a knot, and then throwing the cardigan over it to cover the long sleeves, and then of course fishnets and my current favourite shoes. Overall this outfit honestly made me feel like a bit of a badass.

          As well, made a little animation the other day which I thought I might as well use as a header for this outfit post. Not quite sure how I feel about it as a whole, but I'm pretty happy with it. It is inspired by Jenn Im's graphic designer's work, Dawn Lee. Although, even saying that makes me awkward considering the skills disparity between this work of mine and her incredible illustrations. But this was my first try so perhaps in the future mine will get a bit better and a bit more professional looking. Until then, here are my outfits with some stars 

Dress: Urban Behaviour 
T-Shirt: H&M
Cardigan: Say What? New York
Loaders: Aldo
Choker: DIY

Monday, April 24, 2017

Bubblegum Bitch

Some days, I don't have much to say, and today is one of those days. But I am happy to say this sunny day was filled with Mexican food and bubble tea.

T-Shirt: Thrifted
Denim Jacket: Thrifted
Jeans: Bought in Thailand
Sneakers: Converse 
Choker: DIY

Thursday, April 20, 2017

You Should Have Listened To Your Mother

        Today is a wonderful day because today I have finished all my finals for this semester. This means, I am finally done my fifth semester in a row, and may now enjoy a university-free summer.

        However, now the summer job application process should begin, but I think I'm going to allow my self a couple days of relaxation and recuperation before I start.  

        This look was centred around one of my best thrifted finds in a while- this faux leather jacket from Zara. It was $15 at Value Village, fits me perfectly, and in superb condition. I am honestly thrilled. This leather jacket has opened up many styling possibilities for me, and is a perfect addition to begin putting together outfits inspired by my favourite fashion and beauty bloggers and vloggers. 

        This look is inspired by an outfit worn by one of my favourite YouTubers- Soothing Sista AKA "your girl" Stephanie. I've been following her for a long time now and I've always loved how her style ranges so drastically from light and floral romper ensembles to worn out rugged looks with ripped denim and fringed leather. 


        I absolutely love this outfit of Stephanie's, found on her Instagram account. Wearing a long loose T with fishnets and a leather jacket? Right up my alley. The catch phrase on the shirt makes it even better, saying "You Should Have Listened To Your Mother." When I scored this leather jacket I knew this was the first look I wanted to recreate, especially since the day I wore it was a rare day of sunshine in Raincouver. This huge t-shirt was given to me by my dad, who wore it all throughout the 80s and 90s but figured I would get more use out of it now and he was definitely correct. Although I feel Stephanie was probably wearing a pair of Drs with her outfit, I wanted to mix things up a bit for the temporarily warm weather and put on a pair of sandals I got in Thailand two years ago. They're incredibly cute to wear in photos, but I swear they tear up my feet like no other shoes I own. A couple photos down you can ever so slightly see the denim shorts I was wearing underneath this oversized shirt for extra coverage. Overall I am really excited by how this look came out, especially with the fishnet/stockings mixed with my sandals- it's a look. 

Hey there denim shorts.

Leather Jacket: Zara
Oversized T: Hand-me-down
Sandals: Bought in Thailand 
Choker: DIY

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Itty Bitty Bralettes

It was about a year ago I decided that bras were uncomfortable and that I no longer felt a need to wear them. Reminiscing, I don't want to go back.
Of course, if I get job or opportunity that requires the wearing of a bra, I will wear one. However, on my own time, I prefer the comfort and the sense of freedom that going braless supplies. It's a personal choice, and as someone who is petite and small chested, I am fortunate to be able to do this without fear of back pain or discomfort. 
All this being said, I still absolutely love to wear the occasional bralette with outfits that require such. I thought I would take this opportunity to do a simple post and share a few of my favourite bralettes, with their exquisite lace, mesh, and embroidery. I find them so delightful, in fact, I wish I was able to hang them on my bedroom walls as art, instead of hiding them away in drawers that intimates are thought to belong. To me, they are soothing works of art that inspire the feminine in me.

This, along with the following vibrant pink bralette, were recent kind gifts from my mom, who saw them on sale and that they were in my size, and grabbed them for me, as she knows my love for dainty bralettes. I have not had the chance to wear or style them, but I can't wait to. Especially this hot pink one, since I almost never wear such bright colours. 

(Victoria Secret)


(Victoria Secret)


This etherial piece captured my imagination as soon as I saw it. Like the past two, I have not worn this but I am not sure if I will be able to bring myself to. I just want to stare at it all day.  

This simple piece was found in an Urban Outfitters sale rack. Regularly $30, on sale for $5, I thought it was a staple that would be silly to walk away from. I love the mesh back, adds the right amount of personality for me. 

(Forever 21)

My final bralatte, and amusingly my first purchased. I love this piece for its coy innocence, delicate detailing, and of course practicality as it matches my skin tone. 

(La Vie En Rose)