Tuesday, March 28, 2017


When you're bored with an outfit, throw on some fishnets. That's what I've discovered, at least. 
That's partially why I've been wearing them so often, honestly. I've been in a bit of dry spell and in the search of some creative inspiration. It's because of this that I've been saving pictures of outfits and look books that excite me on my phone. 

That's why I dug out this cropped hoodie that I cut in half a few years ago. It can be quite difficult to style, especially with a short frame such as mine, but I think I made it work. The distressed jeans balance it, along with the fishnets. The denim jacket will never do my wrong, along with my toque. An embarrassing fact- every fall/winter I need to buy usually three black toques because I wear and lose them at such a rapid rate. They usually last 2 months each (hence why I get them at the dollar store). But back to the outfit. Not going to lie, I feel pretty damn cool. 

Sadly, finals season is upon us for all in post-secondary. The posts will definitely slow down my posts with widened gaps in between. The positive, however, is that once I am out of Hell, I will have free time! I have many plans to come- like "how I style" posts and outfits based of my most prominent fashion inspirations. Hopefully final exams and assignments will leave me unscathed. Until then, thank you for stopping by!

Brushing off those fresh kicks, of course.

Hoodie: DIY
Denim Jacket: Thrifted
Jeans: Garage
Sneakers: Nike
Toque: Dollar store

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Roxy like a Puma

This look was inspired by two of my favourite fashion bloggers, The LineUp on Youtube. Specifically, Maya's "Club" look in this video. Although my sister and mom strongly advised against tucking my hoodie into my high waisted pants, but I liked how it looked and stuck with it. 
This Puma hoodie was one of my best most recent thrifting finds. Although I'm not sure if it is genuinely "retro" Puma, it has that look and I love it. It was because of this look I decided to draw on some 90s vibes and throw on my trusted mom jeans, my denim jacket for that Canadian tuxedo excellence, and my white Converse. Also, how obvious is it that this choker is one of my favourites? I wear it far too often.

Although some may fear the dreaded "mom-jeans butt", I embrace it. Loose, baggy pants will never truly flaunt our behinds in the best way but hey- you're comfortable feel cute and that is all the matters at the end of the day. 
Also, to all who get this post's title, thank you.

Hoodie: Thrifted
Mom jeans: Thrifted
Denim Jacket: Thrifted
Shoes: Converse
Choker: Thrifted

Monday, March 13, 2017


My sister once jokingly told me that these jeans made me look like I was attacked by a werewolf. So, I found paring them with shirt worked well.  
This marvelous shirt is was I referred to in my last post, as one of my many finds while at a Value Village sell last weekend. I'm loving the fishnet trend at the moment; however, I am always too damn cold to sport it. So, I came up with this warmer alternative. Wearing a pair of semi-opaque tights underneath the fishnets adds a comfortable layer, while still showing off the cool tights overtop. Anyone who is chronically cold can understand this struggle. But at least it's still a cute alternative!
Throwing my hair up into two fun space funs, along with my favourite long whimsical sweater were the perfect final touches for this ensemble.  

Top: Thrifted
Sweater: Thrifted
Jeans: Thrifted
Shoes: Converse 
Choker: DIY

Thursday, March 9, 2017


In an attempt to not fulfill the Canadian (particularly Vancouver) stereotype, I will attempt to not go on and complain about the weather now. However, I have to say, the day after these photos were taking, it started snowing like crazy- yes, in March. But now to the outfit!
I got this awesome sweatshirt this Sunday at Value Village during one of their 50% off sales! I got a bunch of stuff, including an early 2000s Beyonce t-shirt (B'day era- I know, score), and an incredible wold shirt that is usually donned by single white middle aged men who birdwatch on the weekends. I am considering making a haul post to show off what I got! And maybe even how I style the items. 
As soon as I saw this grey sweatshirt I knew I had to get it. It is perfect for that "sporty" look that is popular at the moment, while still being incredibly comfy and warm. Paired with my trusty thrifted mom-jeans, I threw on a toque (surprise surprise), and my Drs that I still have not broken in after 3 years. All-in-all, I love this look, and can't wait to style this sweatshirt some more!

Sweatshirt: Thrifted
Jeans: Thrifted
Toque: Gift
Boots: Dr. Martens
Choker: DIY

Monday, March 6, 2017

Out of This World

Vancouver weather has everyone confused at the moment. One day it is mild conditions with sunshine, the next we have a full on snow storm (not an exaggeration!) Because of this, I have been mastering the art of layers. In this look, I have two (yes two) long sleeve shirts off to start, then my long denim button-up as a visible layer, and then lastly my gigantic black sweatshirt. As if this wasn't enough layers, I even have another pair of leggings underneath my velvet ones! Throwing on my trusty black toque and Docs to add just that much more warmth. And, of course, a Diana look would not be complete without a good ol' choker. With this look I was prepared for any weather-surprises Vancouver could throw at me!

Sweatshirt: Thrifted
Denim Button-Up: Thrifted
Velvet Leggings: American Apparel 
Boots: Dr. Martens 
Toque: Dollar Store
Choker: DIY