Wednesday, January 2, 2019

2018 Recap

        As I sit in bed with a cup of tea and some leftover cake, I can't help but reflect on the year that has been 2018, and to think about the year to come.


        As cliché as it is to say, this year has been full of some of the biggest ups and downs that I have ever experienced. I'm excited to move on to the next chapter and to see what 2019 has in store for me, but I am also incredibly grateful for everything 2018 taught me. 

        2018 started with pain. My miniature dachshund, Olive, got a herniated disc in her neck right in the beginning of the year, and was in the worst pain I have ever seen an animal in with my own eyes. The operation said to help it was extremely expensive, and it came with very high risk of paralysis, or not helping at all. There was one night when we thought we were going to have to put her down. But, luckily, the next morning we went back to the vet and spoke with a specialist, who suggested we tried crating her for no less than 3 months, and not allowing her to move or get out unless it is to go to the washroom. This, with intense pain killers (including fentanyl- who knew that was a prescription option for dogs?), and he said there was a possibility that she would make a full recovery. I am grateful to say that after the three months in her small crate, Olive recovered fully and is now back to herself again. Every single day with her feels special now because we were so close to losing her. 

        That set the tone for the rest of the year for me. Almost succumbing to grief and fear, and then realizing that we are strong enough to not only push through it, but to realize that we can grow from these difficult situations. A lesson I learned this year is that we are never too "far gone" to get better. Realizing that the fears, anxieties, and depressive episodes I was experiencing were not permanent necessities of my life and personality changed me. In 2018 I started taking my mental health seriously, and started counselling. I always thought I knew what was best for me, and that someone would never be able to tell me something that I have never thought of before (inflated ego, I know). But my boyfriend, being the supportive partner that he is, pushed me to go see a counsellor through my university, and I have been seeing her throughout 2018. I can honestly say that it has changed my life. I bring this up in this post as a way to try and reduce the stigma of reaching out for help when your mental health is suffering. I believe it should be seen as just as normal as going to the doctor when your experiencing back pain, or any other physical ailments.       

        With all these serious topics at hand, I can't forget all the joyous moments that made 2018 so filled with love and adventure. Moments like my boyfriend and I celebrating our four year anniversary. Also seeing Chi Chi Devayne and Shea Coulee perform live at the Commodore Ballroom, seeing Lorde, one of my favourite artists of all time, in concert for the first time, and watching my first burlesque show with the one and only Dita Von Teese, just to name a few. This year was also my 22nd birthday, and I celebrated it with all most closest loved ones, including spending a weekend at a cabin with some of my best friends. I also got my first tattoo this year, and I know it is the first of many to come.

        2018 was a wonderful year professionally, as well. Over the summer I had the pleasure of working for my city as an intern, and I also started volunteering with my university this fall semester. In fact, the past semester was my second to last semester of university. As well, this year I was lucky enough to meet several talented local artists, photographers, bloggers, and content creators. Many of these were documented on my Instagram, but many were not. Meeting them renewed my passion for my blog and social media, and expanded my knowledge of local talent. Vancouver is such an artistically driven community and it shows through our artists.


        I have so many amazing things coming my way that I look forward to in 2019. 

        One of the biggest accomplishments of my life thus far will be graduating in June, and I can't overemphasize how excited I am to finally finish this milestone. This coming spring semester is officially my last one ever, and to think that in a few short months I'll be officially done is bizarre. Walking away with a Bachelor of Arts in Communications has proven to myself that, as much as life may kick my ass, I can make it through.

        Although, of course, with graduation comes the looming truth - finding work. I am admittedly terrified, but also excited. Applying for jobs that I have always thought of as far fetched (until now) has been surreal, and to say I'm excited for the future is an understatement. All I can really hope for, at this moment, is to hopefully find a job within my major and goal career path. I'm going to throw that out there, and try to speak it into existence. With hard work and some good cover letters, of course.

        I have many non academic and occupational things to look forward to in 2019 as well. Trips and travel will take place, including New York (because we couldn't get enough the first time), and Palm Springs! I have never been to Palm Springs. Considering I have only been to California once, and it was Disneyland when I was in grade 3, to say I'm excited is an understatement. 

        Lastly, I can say that I look forward to continuing to make creative content and having fun with fashion, blogging, and photography. I hope to continue meeting and working with other creatives in Vancouver, and I'm excited to see all forms of growth and improvement in my personal creativity, style, and overall artistic skill. I thank you for tagging along with me throughout 2018, and I hope you stay with me to see what's in store in 2019. 

Best Wishes!


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