Sunday, January 21, 2018


        One of my favourite things about fashion, trend setters, and style bloggers is the ability to turn conventionally "ugly" things into a trend and incorporate them into street style. It blows my mind every time- like how do they make that look so cool?! They can wear anything and pull it off. Example a) is the fanny pack. Once considered the epitome of "dad style," the fanny pack is now mainstream. How, may you ask? Honestly, I'm not entirely sure. Fashion and beauty bloggers like To The 9s. I remember seeing them several years ago worn by ravers, which makes complete sense because when you're in an event like that and dancing your ass off, fanny packs are honestly the best option. But for the past, perhaps year, I've been seeing them on blogs and Youtube videos everywhere, and I guess I've finally joined the bandwagon. What really made me a convert was seeing this one fanny pack that I'm wearing here at dollar store. When I saw it I legitimately laughed out loud because it's so ridiculous. It has that classic cheap knock-off fake logo on it- trying to be, I'm assuming Adidas. But instead of having a brand name on it close to Adidas like Abibas or Adidos, it just says "SPORTS." I can't take it. This was so beyond hilarious to me and I had to get it. 

        Unfortunately 2 hours after taking pictures for this look both my zippers broke on these boots. And because I'm too cheap and lazy to go get them repaired, I'm letting them retire for the time being. The rest of the look is pretty usual- giant thrifted sweatshirt, distressed oversized denim jacket, and toque. 

        Yup, that's right, I do sports. 

Jacket: Vintage Levis
Sweatshirt: Thrifted
Toque: Urban Outfitter
Fanny Pack: Dollar Store
Jeans: Just USA Jeans
Boots: Thrifted 

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