Thursday, July 13, 2017


Song of the day: Losing Grip by Avril Lavigne

        After two and a half months of waiting, my fishnet ankle socks have finally come in the mail! I would complain that it took this long, but in all honesty I ordered them from China with free shipping so I don't really know what I was expecting. 

        I am super excited to style these socks, and although this outfit is a bit more Avril Lavigne than it is Amy at Vagabond Youth as I would hope, I still can't pass up this tank and the overall feel that this look is giving me.

        This hand-painted "POWER TO NO ONE" shirt was handed down to me by my father (one of three in total that he's given me) and it comes with  great story. 

        In the early 80's when my dad first moved down to Vancouver, he was taking his clothes out of a dryer at a laundromat and noticed this tank was among his load, presumably something that the person before him left behind. Being the rock and roll punk that he was, my dad kept it, and it quickly became a wardrobe essential for him. One day a couple years later, he was at the Commodore Ballroom (all Vancouverites will know this venue) for a concert and someone pointed to his shirt and asked where he got it. When my dad told him the story of he found it, the man told him that he had painted that a few years ago and that it "Looks good!" on him. He then gave my dad a hug and walked away, leaving my dad slightly dazed and confused.

        Being the artistic pessimist that I am, I love this shirt for its statement and artistry. On the back you can see that a man's face was hand-painted on, with with bricks in the glasses' reflection that, to me, resembles imagery from Pink Floyd's Another Brick in the Wall. My parent's and I are not quite 100% sure who the man is supposed to be. Regardless- with the current global political climate, this shirt makes me smile and admittedly fuels my hate fire. I'm joking!- sort of.

        These shorts have sadly met the end of their road- for me at least. Throughout high school these shorts were my summer staple, but not they are just too small. So I decided to wear them for one last hurrah in a look, and then donate to someone who will hopefully love them as much as I did.

        How "Let Go" (2002) is this look and pose though. Back in the day I was Avril Lavigne's #1 fan, and in all honesty that little girl is still in me. Start playing any of her songs from her first three albums and I'll start singing along. So even though this look is perhaps slightly questionable, I still can't help but have a soft-spot for it because it just brings me back to the day I wore mesh gloves and big black boots, just like my "rocker girl" idol.

Shirt: Who knows!
Shorts: Thrifted
Socks: eBay 
Sneakers: Converse
Choker: Thrifted

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