Saturday, January 5, 2019

Bon Appétit

        I have finally figured out how to wear a beret and not look like an idiot and it feels so good.

        I know that sounds idiotic in of itself but the truth is, all fall and winter I've been loving watching other fashion bloggers wear berets and I wanted to join in on the fun, but for some reason I could never figure out how to wear them properly. They always just looked awkward on me. And if I did make it look alright, the itching on my forehead was absolutely infuriating. Why have I never heard anyone talk about this? Am I the only one that gets this when wearing felt berets? Anyway, I'm taking way too long to say simply - I finally figured it out. 

        This outfit was in celebration of this revelation, and I styled it around three key pieces: the beret, the jeans, and the earrings. The beret was jut found at the bottom of a scarf and hat trunk in the house, but the jeans and earrings are new. The jeans were a recent thrifted find, and coincidentally found about an hour after me lamenting to my friend that I'm in need of a pair of staple jeans that are thick, vintage, that perfect blue tone, that fit loose, and I can crop. Lo and behold, we found these Lee Jeans in my size. What immediately sold me was the fact that they don't gap at the waist. Finding jeans that fit my hip-to-waist ratio can be difficult, and these exceeded expectations. Lastly, these earrings were a Christmas gift from my dear mom. They're Oak + Fort Earring 2341 and honestly I'm pretty proud of her for finding them and picking them out for me. They're exactly what I needed in my life.

Sweater: Niceties (Thrifted)
Beret: Vintage
Belt: Vintage (Thrifted)
Turtle Neck: Espirit 

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