Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Hit the Road

        Last week I had the unfortunate experience of having my phone stolen. As upset as I was, there was at least 2 silver linings: one, I treated myself and bought one with double the gigabytes (32 to 64), and two, I learned that no matter what, the first thing I need to do after doing a shoot is saving all the photos onto my laptop. When my phone was stolen, on it was 4 separate outfit looks that I had not  yet saved on my computer. I was devastated with the amount of time it took to prepare and shoot these looks, but now I know better than to let me just wait on my phone. But- I am now reconnected and ready to get back into the game! Here is a look for a warmer day. I wanted to experiment with these biker shorts because I had never actually worn them and they sat in my drawer for years. So here we are, pairing them with a super large t-shirt that I have worn as a dress, but with these shorts I gained a bit of extra coverage. 

Shirt: Hand-me-down
Denim jacket: Thrifted
Shorts: Thrifted
Sneakers: Vans
Choker: DIY/Forever 21

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